Easily share puzzles online with share buttons.

November 25, 2024 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Our website has been updated to make sharing content easier. With the new share buttons, you can now easily share pages via platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and email.

Where can you find the share buttons?

  1. Image pages
    Every image page is equipped with share buttons that allow you to quickly and easily share images with others.

  2. Crossword puzzle generator
    Use our crossword puzzle generator to create puzzles. With the share buttons, you can easily share them with friends, family, or colleagues.

  3. Word search generator
    Share buttons have also been added for word searches. This allows you to easily share your puzzles with others.

Automatic image for social media
crossword generator

When sharing a page, an image suitable for social media is automatically loaded. This ensures that your shared content looks professional while allowing you to easily add your own text. Design your own crossword puzzles and share them using these convenient tools.

This feature makes it easy to share puzzles and images. Use the crossword puzzle generator to create and share puzzles.

About us

Our site offers a collection of educational images, photos, and interactive tools, including puzzle generators. With these tools, you can create word searches, crossword puzzles, and hidden word puzzles. Suitable for both educational purposes and relaxation, and accessible to a wide audience.